Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Good job.

I wanted to leave early that day, the “headache” was too much and my eyes couldn’t see. But I decided to stay. To try something that wasn’t on my list. To test. To take out my notebook and breath. A great idea came out of it. And now the world knows about it. Good job. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

You are waiting.

You are waiting. You know you shouldn’t wait, but you are. You are waiting because it’s comfortable, you're "playing" because it is easier because no one is watching. "Running" is not going to help you. Doing “the work” will.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Make it count.

What are you doing? Who is it for? You have questions with no answers. Maybe it’s a lesson. And lessons hurt sometimes. Make it count. Let it hurt and get up. 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

You will pay for it.

That happens. Those small "tests" may cost you. That's the price of trying things you have never done before. Don’t let it prevent you from making those tests. But acknowledge they may cost you.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Good day.

That’s your sign of a “good day”. Did you learn something new? Did you overcome an obstacle? Did you manage to stop yourself from overthinking, and foucosing on the thing that truly matters? Then today was a good day. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Someone is going to get disappointed.

Someone is going to get disappointed. Someone will get mad. Some will even say it out loud but it's a one-man show and there are only 24 hours a day. Saying “who needs any sleep” is not a proper answer. But maybe acknowledging you will not get to do it all will help. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Your “shoes”.

It’s your “shoes”. Your feelings, your emotions, your life. If they feel a certain way, it doesn’t mean you have to feel the same. If they act a certain way, it doesn’t mean you need to act the same. You can always choose another way, even if no one chose it before.   

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


“I can do it better” I keep telling myself. But, better is a mindset and a defense mechanism. "Doing it better" is hiding from taking the steps you are scared of the most. 

Monday, May 23, 2022

I listen and smile.

I used to get mad when people ask me “are you able to go back?”. I knew I wasn’t planning to. But it hurt. It made me question myself. But now I know better. I listen and smile. I know it has nothing to do with me, it belongs to the person saying it.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

That is where the “gold” is.

It’s easier to work when you are on "a wave". To keep going when people are cheering for you. But it’s how you act when they don't. How do you treat yourself when you can’t get it quite right. That is where the “gold” is.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

All the rest is noise.

You got used to it. It works and you get the hype. But "hype" isn’t real-life lady. Hype doesn’t mean you're "doing the work". You are here for better ideas, for personal development. You are here to contribute. All the rest is noise. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Be happy it’s hard

No one owes you anything. You already know it. Bad mood? Take yourself out of it. A big challenge? Face it. Who wants it to be easy anyway. You need to step up your game as you go, be happy it’s hard. That is the only way you grow.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

A better tomorrow.

A bad day is just a bad day. It doesn't mean anything about your talent, your character, or your future goals. It's just a bad day. Lucky you, you can always work towards a better tomorrow. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

It's not a bug.

Tired is not a bug it’s a feature. If you choose to play this game- Put the “tired” away, alongside other parts of the puzzle and move on. There is always something better to say to yourself. 

Monday, May 16, 2022

You will do it.

You will do it. You will do it all. But try to be here now. Alongside the madness, the uncertainty, the fear. Try to embrace it and move forward. You will learn, you will fail. But you already know, it’s about getting back up.  

Sunday, May 15, 2022


You can have a strong character and a healthy mindset. You can be driven and work hard on your goals but it doesn’t end with that. There is a body attached to your mind. And even though my mind is always awake my eyes are not. You will probably never accomplish everything on your list but being mad at yourself is not going to help you. Readjust. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

It’s “the overcoming”.

It’s not the table, not the view, and not your zip code. It’s what you have inside your head. It’s sitting in the quiet, letting your hand and mind do the work. It’s being here if you “feel like it” or not. It’s “the overcoming” on a daily basis. That is where my happiness comes from. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely worth it. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Thursday, May 12, 2022

People Game.

There is always something to overcome. Always a new challenge to attack, a new mission to understand. One day I will get there. Knowing that spirit brought me here, and people. People who without even knowing me, believed in me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Don’t let it shift your mood.

Don’t get confused by the noise. It’s a noise. Sometimes it’s flattering, sometimes it makes you sad but it’s a noise. You can hear it out loud today and not at all tomorrow. Don’t let it shift your mood. Not today, not ever. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Don't fall into that trap.

They spam your page with unmeaningful messages and you get mad. Welcome to the world lady. That is part of the game you chose to be a part of. But you can always choose to create with meaning, with generosity, with care. Spamming is everywhere, make sure you don't fall into that trap. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

"The pressure"

The pressure is there if you let it. Take that ride with ease, joy, and pleasure. Don't turn it into something it's not. Remember the price is high and it's all on you. Stay focus.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

You can do it.

I am scared. That is why I always have an answer. That is why it’s not ready yet. Why I need more time to make it better. But nothing will change the fact that “scared” will always be here alongside questions with no answers. Do it today for a better tomorrow. You can do it.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Make you better.

You took this challenge and it's giving you a hard time. You should be happy. It makes you think harder. Remember, You don't do things because they are easy, you are doing them because they make you better than you were yesterday. 

Friday, May 6, 2022


I am holding that piece of paper in my hand and it has my name on it. But I can't help but thinking about all my "heroes from afar" who brought me here. With their words, kindness, and care - I am where I am.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

No doubt

No doubt. Not today. Not ever. You, stay in your lane. Keep working hard on yourself and your craft. Something good will come of it. Maybe not today, maybe not this year. But one day. Don’t let the “bad” days fool you- Keep going.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

On your own.

You don’t need it. It could have been so helpful and yet- Thinking about it is not going to change anything. It might take a while longer, it may take a few more risky steps but you will get there- On your own. It’s not like you're not used to it. Move on. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

You dreamt about it.

You dreamt about it. Don’t forget. Are you tired? Then go wash your face again or drink another coffee. Do you need a day off? Next year. Now is your time to work. And make it count. Leave resting for another decade- Now you better work harder than you possibly can. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

And in that race- I am winning.

If you are out there. If you think you are “too old” or “too late” – You are not. There is only one deadline, and you better do things you love before it arrives. I keep telling myself, there is only one race, and it’s the race I have with myself. "Against" who I was yesterday. And in that race- I am winning. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Time for love.

Those small moments. A sandwich between brother and sister. The best thing your parents can give you, siblings. Love. Those moments have no price. You can make time. Time for love.